The Post Office Arms, a charming, family-run pub in a back street in Boxmoor, Hemel Hempstead, hosted an Italian evening for 17 BGN neighbours.

On Tuesday 27th September 2022, seventeen BGN neighbours enjoyed a delicious 3-course candlelit dinner in the 150-year-old pub.
On the menu was Italian cream of tomato soup as entrée, lasagne, garlic bread and a green salad for the main course with panna cotta for dessert.
The entire meal and Italian evening were organised, prepared, cooked, and served by our amazing BGN volunteers.

It was an evening filled with conversation and music. Certainly, a memorable evening for all.
Thanks to the team at the Post Office Arms.

A big 'Thank you' to our amazing volunteers!
After-event feedback received: “I would like to say how much I enjoyed the meal the other evening. William is an amazing chef. It was a most enjoyable meal”