Christmas Meal at the Three Blackbirds


Our neighbours thoroughly enjoyed their Christmas lunch at The Three Blackbirds.

Our BGN Christmas lunch, postponed because of snow in December, took place on 11th January 2023.

The Three Blackbirds served up a lovely Christmas dinner with all the trimmings. This was followed by a dessert of Christmas pudding and chocolate fudge-cake which turned out to be a delicious combination!

Entertainment was provided by Dean who some will remember from the Queen's Jubilee event at Boxmoor Cricket Club last year. Dean started off with some Christmas songs, followed by some old time favourites which everyone enjoyed singing along to.

Father Christmas also put in an appearance (on his way back to Lapland! Ho! Ho! Ho!)

The bingo was fun. The winner of the 'line', Pam (photo above - lady with glasses) had a nice bottle of red wine. The winner of 'full house' also received a bottle of wine.

On leaving, after the meal, it bucketed down with rain but everybody had a great time celebrating Christmas!