This year’s Afternoon Cream Tea event was held on 11th August in BGN’s Chair Spencer Bunce’s garden.

In bright warm sunshine twelve of our neighbours enjoyed a delicious cream tea prepared by Boxmoor Coffee and Wine. In addition to light and fluffy scones, jam and clotted cream there were fresh strawberries and raspberries, lemon-drizzle cake and iced cupcakes baked by volunteers.
In the tranquillity of Spencer's garden our neighbours were able to return to having normal conversations with friends, having had their lives disrupted for over a year by the pandemic, many having to self-isolate.
Robert Hoare, a neighbour, who studied at the conservatoire of music at the Royal Academy of Music, and who became an accomplished musician, talked about the “Power of Music” which was entirely appropriate, as this year is the 150th anniversary of the Henry Wood Promenade concerts.
The occasion was a great success, and everyone left having experienced a thoroughly enjoyable afternoon.

If you would like to consider joining Boxmoor Good Neighbours as a Volunteer, helping and giving support to the elderly in our community, please complete the Boxmoor Good Neighbours Scheme form which is linked to our Facebook page.
Alternatively, if you know of someone who may need our help, please get in touch or pass on this information to them, so they can contact the Duty Officer at Boxmoor Good Neighbours on 07713 358931 (between 9am-1pm Mon to Friday).